New Column: My Latest Battle to Hold Bob Mueller Accountable
Larry Klayman writes about lawsuit filed on behalf of Jerry Corsi

By Larry Klayman
October 7, 2019
Last Wednesday, I was in court with my courageous client, Dr. Jerome Corsi, in a case that already played a large role in preventing Jerry from being indicted by Special Counsel Robert Mueller for perjury if he did not agree to lie and implicate President Donald J. Trump in so-called Russian collusion. The federal judge, supposedly randomly assigned to the case, was the Honorable Helen Segal Huvelle, who while a partisan Clinton appointee is a jurist who is also very intelligent and tolerant of strong advocacy.WND
October 7, 2019
The matter before Judge Huvelle was primarily the issue of whether Mueller could be held personally liable for the acts of his top prosecutors with regard to the threats leveled against Dr. Corsi. I had primarily alleged on Corsi's behalf that Mueller, both in his personal and governmental capacities, had violated the First and Fourth Amendment constitutional rights to free speech and to be free of illegal surveillance. The complaint also challenged the violation of criminal grand jury secrecy rules.
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Corsi and I Will Hold Mueller Accountable!
Forget About U.S. Justice Department!

By Larry Klayman
April 20, 2019
I was driving to the Las Vegas McCarran International Airport last Friday on my way back from the Bundy Ranch, where I had been visiting with my client Cliven Bundy and his family and not only plotting future legal strategy but also to take another tour of his magnificent homestead on about 400,000 scenic acres in and around Lake Mead, when I turned on the car radio and tuned into Fox News' Brian Kilmeade show, who was analyzing the aftermath of the release of the Mueller Report. Brian, a decent soul even if he works for a network that has gone off the rails as it strains to move left with the likes of anti-Trumpers Chris Wallace and Shepard Smith, played a one minute clip called the "Hannity Minute." In this advertisement for Hannity's nightly show, Sean incredulously boasts, now that the Mueller report has cleared President Trump of Russian collusion, if not obstruction of justice, that there will soon to be "hell to pay" for special counsel Robert Mueller and his conflicted pro-Democrat/Clinton prosecutorial staff, as well as their collaborators at the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) as a whole.April 20, 2019
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From the Inside of the Mueller Probe
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By Jerome Corsi
The Washington Times
April 9, 2019
Robert Mueller's probe crashed and burned in large part because the FBI and the prosecutors were convinced erroneously that I had personal contact with Julian Assange that permitted me to introduce Roger Stone to WikiLeaks.The Washington Times
April 9, 2019
If I had introduced Roger Stone to Julian Assange, the prosecutors believed, this introduction would have permitted Mr. Stone, who was in touch by telephone with then-candidate Donald Trump, "to collude" with WikiLeaks to time the release of Podesta emails in October 2016 so as to cause maximum damage to Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign.
In my 40-hour ordeal, the prosecutors from the Office of the Special Counsel also made clear they believed the Trump campaign had convinced Russia to steal John Podesta's emails and give them to WikiLeaks for publication. So, the hypothesis Mr. Mueller was trying to prove was that the "Russia collusion" link was Assange-Corsi-Stone-Trump — a linkage that I never caused to happen.
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Corsi & Klayman to "CONVICT" Mueller and Leftist Criminals!
Special Guest - Dr. Jerome Corsi
Freedom Watch TV
March 28, 2019
March 28, 2019
Jerome Corsi Shares His Experience Enduring the Mueller Investigation
Newsmax TV
March 28, 2019
March 28, 2019
Corsi Vows to Make Mueller Pay, Alleging Prosecutorial Misconduct

By Steve Byas
The New American
March 27, 2019
Special Counsel Robert Mueller (shown) has concluded — finally, after two years — his probe into whether President Donald Trump or any member of his campaign team colluded with Russia during the 2016 presidential campaign. Millions of Americans believe the investigation was politically driven, doing great damage to the country itself, and in the process destroyed the lives of innocent Americans in what Trump has called a "witch hunt."The New American
March 27, 2019
One of those persecuted by Mueller during the seemingly never-ending investigation — Jerome Corsi, a best-selling author and noted political commentator — has opted to continue his legal fight against Mueller and his fellow prosecutors, with a bar complaint and a $350 million lawsuit.
"They have to pay for this," Corsi told the Washington Examiner on Monday.
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Moore/Paine -- Surviving Mueller With Special Guests Dr. Jerome Corsi & Larry Klayman
Crowdsource the Truth
March 27, 2019
March 27, 2019
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Jerome Corsi Defied Mueller and Won; Now He Wants Mueller 'to Pay'

Washington Examiner
March 25, 2019
Author Jerome Corsi defied special counsel Robert Mueller and, shockingly, he won. Now, the 72-year-old political commentator says he plans to make Mueller "pay" for putting him under investigation, vowing to press forward with a civil case alleging prosecutorial misconduct.March 25, 2019
"They have to pay for this," Corsi said in an interview with the Washington Examiner Monday, after Attorney General Bill Barr informed Congress on Sunday evening that there were no sealed indictments in Mueller's report. The probe ended without finding collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.
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New Column: Corsi and I Fought Mueller -- and We Won!
Larry Klayman outlines next step: leftist Dems in Congress

By Larry Klayman
March 25, 2019
Last Friday as I was about to board a plane, the news broke that Special Counsel Robert Mueller issued his long-awaited report. In so doing, it also leaked that the Special Counsel did not intend to bring any indictments. This was good news for my client, Dr. Jerome Corsi, who had refused to take a sweetheart plea deal if he would testify against the president.WND
March 25, 2019
After doing so, Jerry — a longtime friend and colleague (and, according to the leftist media, a proud "co-conspiracy theorist" along with yours truly) — asked me to defend him in the Mueller probe. Today, I have to say the announcement by the Special Counsel was a sweet reward to my many years in the legal trenches, and among the most satisfying of my 42-year career as a trial lawyer. I am so happy for Jerry, his wife and their entire family.
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Klayman: Corsi and I Fought Mueller and We Won!
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Fox News
March 24, 2019
March 24, 2019
Klayman: My Client Dr. Jerome Corsi Has Been Cleared but the President Is Still at Risk Before Rabid House Dems! Fitton and Carter Speak Too Soon! Neither Are Lawyers!
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Tom Fitton: The President Has Been Vindicated - Sara A. Carter

Sara A. Carter
March 23, 2019
Fitton said that unless there are any further surprises, "the president has been vindicated to an extraordinary degree."March 23, 2019
"No additional indictments, there has never been any Russia collusion, and in many ways this report's a year plus late," he said.
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Dr. Jerome Corsi Exonerated by Mueller but Stone Not!
Corsi Still Faces Legal Battle With Rabid House Dems

By Larry Klayman
March 23, 2019
Last Friday as I was about to board a plane, the news broke that Special Counsel Robert Mueller had issued his long awaited report. In so doing, it also leaked that the Special Counsel did not intend to bring any indictments. This was good news for my client, Dr. Jerome Corsi, who had refused to take a sweet heart plea deal if he would testify against the president.March 23, 2019
After doing so, Jerry, a longtime friend and colleague and, according to the leftist media, a proud "co-conspiracy theorist," asked me to defend him in the Mueller probe. Today, I have to say that the announcement by the Special Counsel, by whatever means it was disclosed, was at the upper echelon of achievements, and among the most satisfying, of my 42 year career as a public legal advocate and private lawyer. I am so happy for Jerry and his wife and their entire family.
For on the other side of the ledger, Jerry's former InfoWars associate Roger Stone had been indicted by Mueller for lying under oath — otherwise known as perjury — as well as witness tampering and obstruction of justice in threatening to kill a material witness and his service dog in the Mueller probe, Randy Credico. Credico is named as Person 2 in the Mueller indictment of Stone and Corsi is named as Person 2. Neither were accused of any wrongdoing in the Mueller indictment of Stone.
Because Jerry did not lie under oath when questioned by Mueller and thanks to the combined legal efforts of my co-counsel David Gray and me, as well as the good doctor's own brave and forceful actions in standing down the Special Counsel based on principle and his belief in God, Jerry prevailed and justice won out. We still however face the "witch hunts" of the rabid Democrats in the House of Representatives, led by the likes of Representative Jerold Nadler of New York, the Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, and Representative Adam Schiff of West Hollywood, California, the Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee.
Jerry still needs your support and you can send a check below to contribute to his legal defense fund:
Corsi Legal Defense Fund
2020 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Ste 800
Washington DC, 20006
But for the time being, I am so pleased and proud that Jerry and his family stood firm to government tyranny, in a way different but yet very similar to some of my other brave and patriotic clients such as Cliven Bundy and his family.
It is also satisfying as well that, after Jerry and I having been viciously defamed by Roger Stone, who was attempting to coerce and threaten my client into testifying falsely to exonerate him before Mueller's grand jury, Congress and now his criminal prosecution, that Jerry now no longer faces the prospect of what in practice would be life imprisonment had he been indicted.
(My client has never verbally attacked Stone or offered to testify against him, but will testify truthfully if subpoenaed to testify by the Special Counsel as Person 1 in the November trial of Stone. )
To the contrary, Stone, who as part of his vicious defamatory campaign against Jerry and me falsely stated on InfoWars — which has been sued along with Stone himself for their smears — that with Klayman as "Jerry Corsi's lawyer, Corsi may get the electric chair," is now the one who faces life imprisonment if he is convicted for his alleged perjury, witness tampering and obstruction of justice. See Corsi et. al v. Stone, 1:19-cv-00656 (D.D.C.)
Corsi to Newsmax: I've Been Vindicated
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By David A. Patten
March 23, 2019
Best-selling author Jerome Corsi told Newsmax in an exclusive interview Friday night he feels "absolutely relieved" and "vindicated" that the Mueller investigation has ended without prosecutors bringing an indictment against him.Newsmax
March 23, 2019
"That's it," a clearly relieved Corsi told Newsmax. "I've been vindicated, there won't be any more indictments, it's over."
Corsi, author of "Killing the Deep State: The Fight to Save President Trump," said he had been "inundated" with calls since the news broke late Friday afternoon that special investigator Robert Mueller had submitted his findings and would not bring further indictments.
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CNN Interview Goes off the Rails After Jerome Corsi's Lawyer Insists Obama's Birth Certificate Is Fraudulent
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By Tamar Auber
March 5, 2019
An interview on CNN with Jerome Corsi -- one of the 81 named on Monday in the sweeping Democratic probe — took an odd turn on Monday when talk turned to President Barack Obama's birth certificate.Mediaite
March 5, 2019
It all started after host Anderson Cooper noted that Corsi has "been an advocate of many conspiracy theories, from President Obama not being born in the U.S. To, you know, the questions about what really happened on 9/11."
Corsi insisted that he never wrote about 9/11 before his lawyer interjected to say Obama's birth certificate appears to be fraudulent.
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Jerome Corsi CNN Interview Awkwardly Shut Down by Anderson Cooper as Obama's "Fraudulent" Birth Certificate Comes Up

March 5, 2019
The conspiracy theory over the birthplace of the former president Barack Obama has reared its head again during a heated discussion on CNN.March 5, 2019
Host Anderson Cooper was talking to the author Jerome Corsi, whom he described as an "advocate of many conspiracy theories," including the one casting doubt on whether Obama was actually born in the United States, a constitutional requirement to serve as president.
Corsi dismissed the CNN host's claim that he promoted conspiracy theories about what happened during the 9/11 attacks, before his lawyer Larry Klayman interjected to question the veracity of the former president's birth certificate.
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Corsi and Klayman Discuss House Investigations!
March 5, 2019
March 5, 2019